世界では、人権救済機能・政策提言機能・人権教育機能・国際協力機能を併せ持つ、政府から独立した機関である「国内人権機関」(National Human Rights Institution, NHRI)の設置が進められています。1993年の国連総会では、人権の促進及び擁護のための国家機関(国内人権機関)の地位に関する原則(パリ原則)が決議されており、すでに120か国以上の国で国内人権機関が設置されています。






National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) are state-mandated bodies, independent of government, with a broad constitutional or legal mandate to protect and promote human rights at the national level. The UN General Assembly adopted the principles relating to the status of national institutions (the Paris Principles) in 1993 and over 120 States have already established NHRIs in their countries. NHRIs are playing a crucial role in promoting and monitoring the effective implementation of international human rights standards at the national level, and its role is increasingly recognized by the international community.

On the other hand, Japan has not yet established NHRI. The Draft Bill on the Establishment of a Human Rights Commission was approved by the Cabinet in 2012, but was finally abandoned. The UN human rights treaty bodies have repeatedly recommended Japan to establish NHRI in line with the Paris Principles, and 31 States have also made recommendation to Japanese government at the 2018 Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Moreover, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations adopted the resolution in 2019 which requested Japanese government to introduce individual complaint system and to establish NHRI.

In response to this movement within and outside of Japan, the Research Group on Human Rights Indicators will convene the open symposium on the role and practice of NHRIs for the purpose of promoting arguments for the establishment of the Institution in Japan. It will focus mainly on the issues of Business and Human Rights which attracts increasing attention in Japan, and promote wide participation and attention not just by scholars but also by public and private sectors as well as civil society on the issues of NHRIs.

In the context of Business and Human Rights, among three main pillars described the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights endorsed in 2011, namely state duty to protect human rights, corporate responsibility to respect human rights, and access to remedy, NHRIs are considered to have essential role to realize access to remedy as one of the state-based non-judicial grievance mechanisms.

In this symposium, we will invite experts from overseas to listen to the current global situation and the practices of NHRIs in order to deepen the understanding of the role of NHRIs. The subsequent panel discussion will deal with the necessity and importance of NHRI in Japan, and how to overcome the issues associated with the establishment.